About Us

Courageously improving Australia’s mental health for the benefit of all

Our Mission & Vision

We are driven to revolutionise mental health across Australia through access to exceptional mental health care and education.

At Birchtree we provide support and healing for those experiencing trauma and mental health challenges. We raise awareness and share knowledge by educating those working in the field and broader community.

We deepen understanding through scientific research and are emboldened to provide new models of mental health care.

Sophie and Jace - About Us Page

You are our “why”

We believe that trauma is the underlying driver of most youth and adult mental health conditions, yet trauma informed care, education and training is not widely available or easily accessible – for clients / patients, clinicians, employer groups, community organisations and schools alike.

The state of Australians’ mental health is the most challenged it has ever been and the mental health system is overloaded. 1 in 5 Australians (of all ages) will have a mental health episode this year, yet alarmingly Australia’s youth are doubly impacted with 40% of young Australians impacted with mental health challenges on an annual basis.

More work must to be done in schools to equip teachers and students with skills and strategies to better manage their own mental health. Likewise, more work has to be done with employers (large and small) and community organisations to support them in increasing their capacity to better support the mental health of their people.

Australia has too few clinicians with a huge shortage of psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, mental healthcare clinicians and GPs, making it very difficult to receive the support needed. Three years of COVID has only exacerbated this strain, driven by an enormous uplift in generalised anxiety conditions.

We’re keen to create new models of mental health care and mental health education and training.

We are collaborative and invite like-minded people and organisations to join us in reshaping/strengthening Australia’s mental health system. Like a rising tide lifts all boats… we’re keen to lift the capability of the whole system.

Dr Sophie Reid and Jace Cannon-Brookes

Our Values


Empathy lies at the heart of human connection and understanding. It promotes positive change towards building a more united and harmonious society.


Compassion reflects an understanding of the shared humanity that joins us together, gives hope and transcends all differences.


Collaboration propels us towards innovation and progress, nurturing collective wisdom and expertise. We invite like-minded people and organisations to join us in reshaping Australia’s mental health system.


Courage confronts challenges head-on, is not afraid to say what is wrong and drives innovation. We don’t accept the status quo and we acknowledge systemic failings. We’re proud to work towards a solution to benefit and empower all.

Our Growth Story

Birchtree Centre was launched in 2015, with a vision to change the way the Health System treated people struggling with the long term effects of trauma.

Since then, Birchtree Centre has proudly grown to a quality team of over 50 clinicians, all trained in Complex Trauma.

An Education training centre has also been established to provide up to date training to Health Professionals nationally,  and a Foundation to provide training, resources and programs to Regional and Remote Health Professionals, thus closing the gap for quality effective care Australia wide.

Get in touch

We’re here to support you on your healing journey. Get in touch with the Birchtree team today, and let’s take the first step together.