Our Trauma Support Groups run for eight sessions, fortnightly. Two therapists look after and guide the group through a number of themes common to individuals struggling with a legacy of complex trauma.
Topics for this term (the order of the below topics may change):
Managing my Window of Tolerance – exploring potential triggers and grounding techniques.
Responding to Needs – are you aware of your needs and how to meet them?
- Self-Care – discussing the challenges associated with self-care, and exploring and sharing self-care techniques.
- Family Connections – what contact, if any, do you have with your family now? How do you manage this?
- Overcoming the Relational Template from Childhood – what was your role within your family system? Do you find yourself re-living that role in other relationships/situations?
- Circles of Intimacy – How to safely navigate interpersonal connections after trauma.
- Celebrations in Trauma – Coping with the holiday season and catching up with friends and family.
Facing Change – discuss different types of change, how they affect us and what we can do the help us cope.